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Al-Azhar Graduates in Minya Participate in al-Azhar Convoy to Illustrate the Moderation and Tolerance of Islam and the Risks of Illegal Immigration

Members of WOAG branch in Minya participated in the events of al-Azhar preaching convoy seeking to spread the true essence of Islam, demonstrate its tolerance and moderation, correct the misconceptions, consolidate patriotism and illustrate the risks of illegal immigration.

Sheikh Sayed Mahmoud stressed that patriotism and defending homeland is a human instinct emphasized by the Islamic Shari’a, as said by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) addressing Mecca: “By Allah! You are the best of Allah’s earth, and the most beloved of Allah’s earth to Allah, and if it were not that I was expelled from you I would not have left”. When the Prophet (PBUH) immigrated to Medina and settled in it along with his companions, he never forgot, neither his homeland where he was brought up nor the homeland where he settled; the Prophet said in such concern: “O Allah! Make us love Medina as much as we love Mecca or even more. Make it sound and bless us in our sa and mudd. Remove its fever and put it in al-Juhfa.”. Anas said that: “when the Prophet (PBUH) returned from a journey and looked at the walls of Medina he made his camel hasten, and if he was on a horse he urged it on out of his love for Medina”. Hence, true patriotism is not just a claim, however, it is about giving and belonging. Indeed, true patriotism requires sincere participation in building the nation by perfecting work and achieving productivity and quality which will lead to the country’s progress and prosperity. In that sense, our esteemed religion not only urges people to carry out their work, but also prompts them to perfect it, as the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Allah loves that if one does a job he perfects it”.

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